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A Message from Bim, an Avatar Whale

Bim hears the pin dropping on your hard wood floor.  It sounds like you have been listening.  Don't make any one fable more important than another fable.  Fables are meant to arouse your curiosity and Bim has a fable that is going to fire your imagination into the far off land of Sirius B. 

Once upon a time there was a asteroid hurled into the universe.  The asteroid heard about a likely place to call home.  It's home became the place where Bim resides, Sirius B.  The asteroid had a quiet, loving peaceful place to call home. Both love and heaven heard about this asteroid and decided to live on this newly conceived planet.  Love and heaven arranged for cetaceans communities to form on this planet.  The cetaceans became the bearers of formal curriculums about complex matters such as where love resides in the mammalian body.  The cetaceans placed love in their hearts and this became their specialty.  Their curriculum divided the heart into seven levels of development..  The seven levels of development of the heart proved to be a very accurate measure of the evolution of the cetacean.  The seven levels are as follows:  

The first level is called the library.  The library can be accessed by cetaceans who have evolved in to first level of heart development.  The library refers to the knowledge of heaven also known as Christ Consciousness.

The second level is called the condition of processing with love and only love as the higher way to be.  In other words, all challenges are solved by using techniques from the library. 

The third level is called the Beta Capricorn quality.  This is the quality of being able to put a little bit of force into solving challenges with love. 

The forth level is the permanent atom of previous incarnations becoming activated by the brain and forming a bond with the heart.

The fifth level is the previous imprint having an impact on the life of the cetacean.  At this stage the cetacean accesses the library as well as the knowledge gained from previous incarnations. 

The sixth level pushes the heart to a new height of appreciation for forms of love known by fifth dimensional cetaceans as combs of fire.  The avatars of Sirius B reach this level of attainment.  The combs refer to fiery rushes of heightened perception that avatars have, regarding every aspect of anyone they choose too attract, to do precisely the kind of work Bim is asking you to do with Avatar Bim as your heavenly helper. 

The seventh level hastens the Avatar's return to being heaven itself. 

Bim is working with some humans right now on accessing the library and processing with the techniques learned from the library.  Bim is taking a few humans to the Beta Capricorn quality. 

Bim is talking to you about Blue Dolphin Essences.  This course comes from the library and it is the first time Bim has allowed this library to be put into human hands.  Bim is very pleased with the results he has seen with the use of Blue Dolphin Essences.  He is both charmed and happy with how beautifully the Blue Dolphin Essences are being cherished by their humans who use them. 

Dolphins have waited a long time for the library to be put into human hands.  Bim is savoring the love he feels from those who have begun the process of living in the frequency of devotion to love.  Depending on the dharma of the person using the work of Blue Dolphins, experiences of humans are emerging as exactly the right experiences for their dharma at their point in evolution.  Bim is telling each of you reading this message to read everything above and below this message.  Your brain will process information at one level and your heart will learn, as it can, at this point in your development. You will have an interaction with many avatars who are all committed to bringing you the sense of belonging on earth, as your haven for living in peace.  Bring Bim into your haven.  

Order Blue Dolphin Essences 

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